Student Life
Downingtown STEM Academy
Our school community continues to learn and grow as we seek to provide engaging academic experiences that promote student agency. However, our charge goes beyond fostering an academic preparedness to helping students harness moments of life and relational learning that encourage balance and enriches their high school experience. Simply put, we invite students to invest in the "we" - our community. When we nurture our students and staff, we nurture our culture, the soul of our school.
The Downingtown STEM Academy offers opportunities for all students to nurture their relational health and wellness needs. We embrace our diverse, collaborative culture, and invite all students, families, and staff to get involved. Student will participate in athletics and band at their geographic home school - either Downingtown East or Downingtown West. With over 40 student-led STEM clubs/organizations running annually, celebrated special events, HSA-sponsored activities, well-attended Homecoming dances, Powder Puff games and proms, we have a good time!